Tombstone Arizona History Journal




Tombstone Times - Tombstone Arizona History and Information

We are proud to feature some of our most popular articles from past issues of Tombstone Times. We hope you will enjoy them once more, or maybe even for the first time. For information on reprinting any of the stories you see here, or on submitting articles for possible inclusion in future issues, please use our Contact Form


Featured Articles from Past Issues of Tombstone Times

Thirty Cents and a Hunch

by Janice

From the March 2003 issue

Tombstone's Railroad Centennial

by Larry Jensen & Ray Madzia

From the April 2003 issue

Wyatt Earp, Tombstonian

by Tim Fattig

From the May 2003 issue

Tombstone: Too Tough to Die

by Janice

From the November 2003 issue

Tombstone's Shady Lady

by Janice

From the April 2003 issue

Where's Doc?

by Della A. Jones (Mattie Holliday)

From the November 2005 issue

Facts any good Doc Holliday aficionado should know

by Susan Ballard

From the March 2006 issue

The Benson Stage Debacle

by Joyce Aros

From the June 2006 issue

Chinese Residents of Tombstone

by Sam Shueh and Eric Chen

From the December 2006 issue

Katie Elder - Her True Story

by Maggie Van Ostrand

From the April 2007 issue

The Stunning Rose of the Wild West

by Karen Mazzeo

From the June 2012 issue

Elizabeth Houston Hanley - Louisa's Sister

by Karen Mazzeo

From the November 2012 issue

My Grandmother's High Speed Funeral

by Dale A. Adams

From the August 2016 issue

Following the Gunsmoke Trail

by Janice

From the June 2017 issue

Roadside Americana - The THING?

by Janice

From the July 2022 issue

Excuse our Dust.  There are more articles on the way. We're working hard to bring you our new website!

Tombstone Times
P.O. Box 813 - Tombstone, AZ 85638
(520) 457-3884 -